Wednesday, 10 July 2013

Industrialised Building System [QSB 2513]


Centre for Modern Architecture Studies in Southeast Asia

Bachelor of Quantity Surveying (Honours)

(Semester 4, April 2013)


Industrialised Building System [QSB 2513]


My name is Yvonne Lai Yee Vun, currently studying year 2, semester 4 in Bachelor of Quantity Surveying. I am from a little town in Sabah called Sandakan. I am interested in this course because I like observe the buildings around me since young and I like mathematics. I was told that this course is related to both buildings and involved a lot of calculation, so i decided to take this course.
This course is getting together and tougher and now I am in semester 4 and next semester I am going for Internship training, there will be a lot of challenges coming, so I have to study hard to fulfill my ambition as a Surveyor.

  • To create the awareness of the development of IBS in Malaysia
  • To evaluate the benefits and challenges faced by the industry with the adoption of IBS
  • To appreciate the role, functions and contributions of manufactures in the industry

Learning outcomes

Industrialised Building system enable me to identify the usage of the IBS components in the construction site. Besides, this module gave me the opportunity to appraise the advantages and shortfalls of the selected components. This module also allow me to have a better understanding of the implications of adopting new technology in the construction industry and allow me to generate a report of given the tasks and present the outcomes of the tasks in a team or independently. 

I wanted to acknowledge my lecturer, Ms. Theong May Chuan, who is really helpful and care for our needs. Besides, I can seek help from him when I m facing any difficulties , he will always have patience to teach us. 

In conclusion, this module really provide the skills and knowledge that I need for my future career. 

Lessons Learned

Industrialised Building system is an elective subject that I have to take in semester 4. This subject is taught by Ms. Theong May Chuan. In this module, it teaches me what is IBS system ? and how it actually slowly adopt in Malaysia. There was a lot to learn in this subject because it widen my view and knowledge.For this module, there are three assignments that i need to complete and all together the marks will be 100 marks. The first assignment is exploring the IBS Factory: Experiencing documentation and analyzing the manufacturing process of IBS components.We actually went for a factory visit at BlueScope Lysaght, Shah Alam.

Second assignment is visit to a Archidex 2013. Task given for this assignment is to identify one of the prefabricated building material or components which is exhibited.Our group have selected LRC-Eko block which is LRC (lightweight reinforced concrete) products. LRC products initiate a new era in construction industry. 


The last assignment is an individual assignment, our task given is to study and analyse the current scenario of IBS in Malaysia. There are two topics given but we only need to choose one of the topic. Thus, the topic i have chosen is topic two: Two IBS Roadmaps were introduced as part of the effort in promoting IBS in Malaysia. Discuss the reasons of the shift from traditional to IBS method of construction. What are the shortcomings when IBS is fully adopted by the industry.This individual assignment actually widen my view and knowledge about the benefit and shortcoming of it when fully adopted in Malaysia.

Project Management [ QSB2423 ]


Centre for Modern Architecture Studies in Southeast Asia

Bachelor of Quantity Surveying (Honours)

(Semester 4, April 2013)


Project Management [ QSB 2423 ] 


My name is Yvonne Lai Yee Vun , currently studying year 2 ,semester 4 in Bachelor of Quantity Surveying. 

I am from a little town in Sabah called Sandakan. I am interested in this course because I like to observe the buildings around me since young and I love mathematics. I was told that this course is related to both buildings and involved a lot of calculation, so I decided to take this course. 
This course is getting tougher and tougher and now I am in semester 4, there will be a lot of challenges coming , so I have to study hard to fulfill my ambition as a Surveyor. 

  • To be able to apply the management techniques in the control and direction of project resources.
  • To understand the influence of leadership in the project process and the relationships to a projects success.
  • To understand the means of getting success and failures in a project's performance and if fail, how to monitor and control it.
  • To appreciate the roles and functions of projects participants and the organizational forms where they occur.

Learning outcomes

Project Management enable me to explain the project characteristics, objectives, organizations and success. Besides, this module allow me to plan strategies for the development process based on client's objectives. This module also enable me to detect the risk that is going to be face by project manager during the process of development. In addition, I can have more understanding the differences between the skill of project management and construction management in the development process. Lastly, this module gave me the opportunity to explain the framework of personal qualities needed by the Project Manager in discharging their duties.

I wanted to acknowledge my lecturer,Leong Boon Tik,  who is really helpful and care for our needs. Besides, I can seek help from him when I m facing any difficulties , he will always have patience to teach us. 
In conclusion, this module really provide the skills and knowledge that I need for my future career. 

Lessons Learned

This module will be graded in the form of coursework, final examination and portfolio submission. Coursework consists of two assignments.The first assignment which is an individual assignment, the task given was to list out all the work packages in building a guardhouse with toilet at the entrance of Taylor's University.After the completion for listing out all the work packages, a Gantt chart is then produce, generate Critical Path Analysis (CPM) and decide the Critical Path of the project. This is the first time I learned how to uses the Microsoft Project which is the computer's software, I m facing some difficulties due to not familiar to this software. However, with the help of the lecturer and my classmates,I was able to complete the assignment on time and according to the right way of doing it.

For the second assignment,  which is a group assignment, I was divided into a group of 5 students to complete the assignment. The project brief was to find a vacant land in a size of 800m2 to 1200m2. Our objectives was to decide the development or what type of building to be done on the chosen site. In this assignment, my task was to monitor and control the project. Thus,I have to think on how to be a project manager of the client to handling the project. This module would be very important for me in the future because this give better ideas for me to know how to handling a project when I go for work in the future. 

Project Monitoring and Control

Method of Monitoring

  • Through meetings with clients, parties involved in project (Contractor, supplier,etc.)
  • For schedule – Update CPA, PERT Charts, Update Gantt Charts
  • Using Earned Value Analysis
  • Calculate Critical Ratios
  • Milestones
  • Reports
  • Tests and inspections
  • Delivery or staggered delivery
  • PMIS (Project Management Info Sys) Updating

             Earned Value Chart
6 Possibilities Earned Value Analysis

Estimating [ QSB2314 ]


Centre for Modern Architecture Studies in Southeast Asia

Bachelor of Quantity Surveying (Honours)

(Semester 4, April 2013)


Estimating [QSB 2314]


My name is Yvonne Lai Yee Vun , currently studying year 2 ,semester 4 in Bachelor of Quantity Surveying. I am from a little town in Sabah called Sandakan. I am interested in this course because I like to observe the buildings around me since young and I love mathematics. I was told that this course is related to both buildings and involved a lot of calculation, so I decided to take this course. 

This course is getting tougher and tougher and now I am in semester 4, there will be a lot of challenges coming , so I have to study hard to fulfill my ambition as a Surveyor.

  • To be able to price the unit rates in the measured works section of Bills of Quantities according to the systematic ways 
  • To apply cost control procedures in order to achieve better and economic ways of getting contacts To be able to make recommendation that is well-reasoned in term of pricing the materials and elements from measurement modules
Learning outcomes

Estimating enable me to know and understand the build-up rate for various types of elements and material covered in measurement topics. In addition, this module gave me an opportunity to estimate the construction projects in terms of the material and elements.Other than that, this module enable me to understand the relationship and the effect of different build-up rate components to the rate of materials. 

I wanted to acknowledge my lecturers, Sr.Eddie Lim Sek Cheon and Ms.Dianne Kok Hui Wei, who is really helpful and care for our needs. Besides, I can seek help from them when I m facing any difficulties ,they will always have patience to teach us. 
In conclusion, this module really provide the skills and knowledge that I need for my future career. 

Lessons Learned
  • Introduction to Principle of Estimating
  • Project Cost Estimation
  • Component of Build-up Rate 
  • Introduction to various method of estimating
  • Sub-Contracting works
  • Excavation works
  • Concrete Works
  • Brickwork
  • Roofing work
  • Glazing
  • Plastering and tiling works
  • Carpentry and Joinery
  • Painting works
  • Plumbing works
  • External works
  • Preliminaries
  • Additional notes: 
  •   1.Sources and application of Building Cost Data
  •   2. Cost Plan during Development process
  •   3. Cost Planning 

In Estimating, I have learned how to build-up rates and to understand how the price of material and element is achieved. Through this module, I m able to understand how the elemental cost analysis actually work. Two assignments are given by the lecturer for this module.

 The first one was to give a seminar. We are divided into few groups, each group has their own topic, each person from the group is asked to explain to other student. However, the second assignment was to price a Bill of Quantities to compete with other groups in getting the tender. This assignment enable me to understand how the real business in construction site and widen my knowledge. 

Professional Practice 1 [ QSB 2615 ]


Centre for Modern Architecture Studies in Southeast Asia

Bachelor of Quantity Surveying (Honours)

(Semester 4, April 2013)


Professional Practice 1 [QSB 2615]


My name is Yvonne Lai Yee Vun , currently studying year 2 ,semester 4 in Bachelor of Quantity Surveying. 

I am from a little town in Sabah called Sandakan. I am interested in this course because I like to observe the buildings around me since young and I love mathematics. I was told that this course is related to both buildings and involved a lot of calculation, so I decided to take this course. 
This course is getting tougher and tougher and now I am in semester 4, there will be a lot of challenges coming , so I have to study hard to fulfill my ambition as a Surveyor. 

  • To understand the roles of quantity surveyor in every stage of contract, tendering methods and procedures, evaluation and reporting of tenders and contract choices.
  • To appreciate the role of quantity surveying profession in public and private sectors. 
  • To understand and develop awareness of the provisions of the Standard Contract forms related to construction period, insurances, Liquidated and Ascertained Damages, performance bonds, retention sums and other clauses forming basis of contract.
learning outcomes

Professional Practice 1 enable me to identify the qualifications required of a Quantity Surveyor, its professional Institution and Board and the duties of a Quantity Surveying. Other than that, this module gave me the opportunity to define and prepare progress payment, variation orders, final accounts on completion of the contract works and contract administration related to Prime Cost and Provisional sum. This module generally teaches me on the details of contract that is used in construction and the contractual relationship between client and contractor. 

I wanted to acknowledge my lecturer, Sr.Chang Khong Thong, the same lecturer that taught me Measurement 4,  who is really helpful and care for our needs. Besides, I can seek help from him when I m facing any difficulties , he will always have patience to teach us. 
In conclusion, this module really provide the skills and knowledge that I need for my future career. 

Lessons Learned…

  • Procurement Method
  • Quantity Surveyors roles
  • Selection of contract form
  • Tendering method
  • Tender documentation
  • Damages
  • Interim Valuation
  • Claims 
  • This module will be graded in the form of coursework, final examination and portfolio submission. Coursework consists of two assignments. The first assignment will be a individual project where I will prepare a project proposal for procurement arrangement to a client. This individual assignment gives me the idea on how the method of procurement, tendering method and form of contracts actually works and to select the best method under certain requirements. 


    Summary of requirement based on procurement respect

    Measurement 4 [QSB 2124]


    Centre for Modern Architecture Studies in Southeast Asia

    Bachelor of Quantity Surveying (Honours)

    (Semester 4, April 2013)


    Measurement 3 [QSB 2124]


    My name is Yvonne Lai Yee Vun , currently studying year 2 ,semester 4 in Bachelor of Quantity Surveying. 

    I am from a little town in Sabah called Sandakan. I am interested in this course because I like to observe the buildings around me since young and I love mathematics. I was told that this course is related to both buildings and involved a lot of calculation, so I decided to take this course. 
    This course is getting tougher and tougher and now I am in semester 4, there will be a lot of challenges coming , so I have to study hard to fulfill my ambition as a Surveyor. 


    • To be able to question standard practice, and know how to make professional judgement in making recommendations and solving problems for future best practice.
    •  To get familiar with the nature of tendering process and contractual documentation.
    •  To understand the data from multiple sources including drawn information and be able to locate, extract and analyse it. 
    Learning outcomes… 

    Measurement 4 enable me to interpret clauses in the Standard Method of Measurement (SMM2)for the various trades in relation to bored piles, and various external works. This module also allow me to adopt a systematic approach to take-off quantities from drawings of piling and external work for the preparation of Bills of Quantities. Besides, this module gave me the opportunity to generate a conceptual understanding of and the ability to competently carry out the preparation of the Bill of Quantities for pilings and external work.In addition, this module also enable me to demonstrate a systematic and orderly mind and be able to visualize the drawings and details given for pilings and external works. Lastly, Measurement 4 allow me to understand the relationship between Specifications, Drawings and Bill of Quantities in Tender Document for pilings and external work.For me, I personally think that the chapters for Measurement of Piling works was quiet difficult to understand compare to the others chapters. So, I m having some difficulties to catch up in this chapter. 

    I wanted to acknowledge my lecturer, Sr.Chang Khong Thong, who is really helpful and care for our needs. Besides, I can seek help from him when I m facing any difficulties in my assignment, he will always have patience to teach us. 
    In conclusion, this module really provide the skills and knowledge that I need for my future career. 

    Lessons Learned… 

    • Components of Tender Document (with quantities)
    1. Form of Contract
    2.Contract Bills 
    3. Supplementary Requirements 
    4.Ancillary Forms (Appendices) 
    5.Articles of Agreement 
    6.Conditions of Contract 
    8. Preamble 
    9. Specification 
    10. Bills of Quantities 
    11. General Summary of Tender 
    12.Declaration of non-collusion 
    13. Form of tender 
    14. Instructions of tender 
    15. Conditions of tendering 

    In this module, I also learned how to measure the external works such as:Sewerage Reticulation, Surface water drain, Bored piling works, Roadworks and Pavement, Water Reticulation and Interim Valuation.

    Our project is given to prepare a bills of quantity and Tender Document of our own selected drawing. This assignment which have 5 members in a group. For this assignment, I was allocated to do part number 5 which is the last part of the project. My part was to measure doors, windows, ceiling, external works like floor, wall, turfing and refuse chamber. For the tender document part, my job was to do the preliminaries of tendering. This was a good assignment as it widens my knowledge and gave me the experience on how the real work will be when I enter a consultant quantity surveyor firm. 

    Element Cost Analysis (ECA) workshop also counted as part of this module. We were divided into a group with 8 members, the tasks given are to prepare a detail cost analysis of a service Apartment project culminating in the preparation of a ECA report. The service apartment consists of two block, A and B. For our group, we have to prepared a detail cost analysis of Block B.